Blog 22 Animation for LeSite and Keurig’s “A Sip of Winter” Contest Website

Hi all,

We’ve been seeing a lot of coffee as of late! 🙂 LeSite ad agency asked us to create an animation that demonstrates the Keurig contest website “A sip of Winter”. You may recall that we had created a video covering their cross Canada campaign recently. This animation was to cover the website more closely and show how the contest, along side the traveling Keurig installations, work together to provide an all encompassing promotional campaign. Visitors to the site, are treated to a variety of tips and tricks for the holiday season as well as, the opportunity to win prizes. They can also spread the word about the contest to their friends through social media and even get rebates on products from Keurig, just for visiting the website. Our animation highlights some of the best features of the website with a connection to the footage we shot for the Keurig installation in Montreal. Check out the animation below and be sure to enter the contest for a chance to win the grand prize, which is pretty sweet!

Until next time, stay tuned for upcoming news!

The Look Productions team

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