Blog 38 The power of Video continues to rise! It is predicted that by 2017, 74% of all Internet traffic will be video!

Hey gang,

We hope this post finds you well! We just came upon a really interesting article from the Huffington Post on the true power and rise of video as a essential Communication and Marketing tool today and in the future. It resonated with us because we have been promoting this very idea for many years now and our clients have definitely been listening and seeing great results and ROI.

Seth Rand, author and Internet Marketing expert says, “Video is quickly becoming one of the most popular types of content on the web. It’s predicted that by 2017, 74 percent of all internet traffic will be video.”

In the article, Rand recommends several techniques for getting your video higher SEO rankings, hence more eyeballs on your content = more inquiries on your products and services = more sales = increased ROI = happy customers = fulfils our goals of providing high end professional video/multimedia services that make our clients look good.

If you aren’t using video substantially in your business, it’s never too late to get started. Look Productions is here to help you get accustomed to the vast array of options at your disposition to get you up and running and having your content work for you.

Give us a call today and let’s begin to create together!

Best regards,

The Look Productions team




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